ISIS-obsessed 15-year-old girl murdered her mum with kitchen knife

The 15-year-old Lisa Borch became obessed with the terrorist cult ISIS after falling in love with an Islamic extremist and murdered her mother with a kitchen knife.

Lisa Borch was just 15 when she took a kitchen knife and killed her mum in October last year.
Minutes earlier she had been watching the beheadings of British hostages David Haines and Alan Henning on YouTube, carried out by twisted terrorist Jihadi John.
 she watched this video of an execution 

Lisa, alongside her radical boyfriend Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, stabbed her mum Tina Römer Holtegaard at least 20 times at their home in Kvissel, rural Denmar.

After being heart broken when her radical Muslim lover left her to go back to his family in Sweden, she then met Iraqi 29-year-old Abdulla at a refugee centre near her home and fell in love, prosecutors said.

Both took part in the horrific murder, with Lisa then calling policeyelling: "I heard my mother scream and I looked out the window and saw a white man running away.
"Please come here, there is blood everywhere."
When police arrived they found Holtegaard covered in blood.
But when police further investigated the house, they found Lisa calmly playing with her phone.
Police later examined her computer, discovering that she had been watching the sickening ISIS videos.
The teenager regularly argued with her mum, who wanted Lisa to break off her relationship with the 29-year-old who was almost twice her age and "live the life of a normal teenager."

Karina Skou, prosecuting, told the court: "This murder was cold blooded, ice cold and committed in a bestial manner."
Lisa even showed her twin sister the knife she said she was going to kill her mum with, but thought she was just joking.
The teen blamed her boyfriend for the murder in court. He claimed he was only at the scene briefly because he arrived afterwards to "help Lisa".
When police got to the house he was not there, however his fingerprints were discovered in the mother's bedroom.
The court was unable to rule which of the pair delivered the fatal wounds, however they were both convicted of murder.
Borch was sentenced to nine years, the first of which will be spent in a young offenders institution.
The following eight years will be in jail.
Her boyfriend Abdulla received 13 years, and when his sentence expires he will be expelled from Denmark.
Lisa's twin was in court to see her sentenced.
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