12 Creepy Things (Almost) Everyone Does In Long-Term Relationships

  1. Using the bathroom while they shower

    If anyone else did this to you, you’d definitely call the police.
  2. Popping each other’s pimples

    Even with the not-so-hard-to-reach places, love means getting your popon.
  3. Hair hair everywhere

    Whether you’re plucking them or just pointing them out, you know where all the unfortunate hairs are buried and you’re cool with it.
  4. Smell each other’s dirty clothes

    The only thing more intimate than smelling your partner’s dirty clothes is taking the time to wash them after.
  5. Accidentally dressing alike

    Neither of you can tell who’s copying who anymore. Too many date nights have turned into accidental twin nights to keep score.
  6. Stealing their interests

    Between this and the matching outfits, your love story could be titled “Becoming Bae.”
  7. Answering questions in farts

    Fart once for “yes.”
  8. Telling secrets with burps

    The real secret is that you ate too much for kissing.
  9. Watching each other sleep

    Do this with anyone else and try not to feel like a total murderer. I dare you.
  10. Accidentally acting like their mother/father

    When you’ve cared about someone for a long time, you might occasionally slip into mom-girlfriend/dad-boyfriend mode. Though it comes from a place of love, it also comes from a place of Freudian creepiness.
  11. Playing literal doctor

    You didn’t ask for this job and you for sure didn’t go to school for it, but somehow you’re the first person your partner goes to with these kind of gross requests. Wax on, wax off.
  12. Speaking your own language

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    From inside jokes to just plain old baby talk, no one understands what you two are talking about and neither of you care. One of the most fun things about being in love is having someone to weird out the rest of the world with. So sit back, relax and enjoy your fellow creep, and hopefully the haters will eventually do the same.
  13. By Lauren Vino 
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